Super tiny and minimal jQuery slider
This simple little plugin for jQuery is an image slider without the bells and whistles. It only slides, no other fancy transitions but as a consequence it’s tiny in size and super-responsive. Slides can contain HTML, be configured with CSS and there’s built-in keyboard-control support

Simple and easy to use lightbox with baguetteBox.js
baguetteBox.js is a new lightbox plugin made in pure Javascript to create image galleries. It provides support for responsive images, CSS3 transitions, touch screen devices, etc.

Introduction to Cycle2 slideshow plugin for jQuery
Cycle2 is a versatile slideshow plugin for jQuery built around ease-of-use. It supports a declarative initialization style that allows full customization without any scripting. Simply include the plugin, declare your markup, and Cycle2 does the rest.

Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net
Speedtest.net is a broadband speed analysis tool that allows anyone to discover the real speed of their Internet connection. It's very easy to test on web browser, and it's even simple to use on terminal console command line with a little script.

Reveal Animations When You Scroll with WOW.js
Reveal Animations When You Scroll. Very Animate.css Friend :-) Easily customize animation settings: style, delay, length, offset, iterations... It's time to change the way your website scroll with WOW.js

Change Browser Title Bar with JavaScript library
Title.js is a javascript library for browser title bar manipulation with no dependency at all. Here are usage examples: Add Prefix, Add Suffix, Change Predefined Title, Marquee Effect, TypeWriter Effect.

jQuery drag and drop with multiple items support
There are many drag & drop jQuery plugins out there, but when it comes to support multiple items, most of them failed. That's the reason for jquery-dragndrop to be born and should be in your javascript toolkit.

Adaptive and responsive menu plugin for jQuery/Zepto
PgwMenu is a little and cool responsive menu plugin for jQuery and Zepto with many features like CSS customization, fully adaptive & responsive navigation menu, work on both desktop & mobile, and SEO friendly compliant.

Facebook fancy simple terminal interface
Facy has a streaming-like feature for facebook feed, which automatically pull new feeds and notifications through facebook API. You have to do nothing, just sit there and facy will automatically feed every new posts and notifications for you. Pulling interval is default 2 seconds for both feeds and notifactions.

Circular statistic indicator with Circliful jQuery plugin
Circliful is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to add static circular statistic indicator or loader to your webpages. With many configurable options, Circliful allows you to create beautiful percentage circle with info text, and you can even use half-circles.