Single page website made easy with fullPage jQuery plugin
A simple and easy to use plugin to create fullscreen scrolling websites (also known as single page websites). It allows the creation of fullscreen scrolling websites, as well as adding some landscape sliders inside the sections of the site.
Spin.js - The ultimate animated loading indicator
Spin.js dynamically creates spinning activity indicators that can be used as resolution-independent replacement for AJAX loading GIFs.
How to create multi-level menu for desktop and mobile with SmartMenus jQuery
SmartMenus jQuery is a successor to one of the oldest website menu scripts which was released back on August 2, 2001. It's main goal was to create a script that supports equally well widest possible variety of browsers running on all kinds of platforms and devices - desktop computers, tablets, mobile phones.
How to create QR code with jQuery
QR code is a popular form of barcode pattern that is ubiquitously used to tag information to products or for linking advertisements. In this post we will use a very helpful little jQuery plugin to bring QR code to your website easily.
Easy as hell to make video background for your website
Want to impress your visitor? Looking no more, make your website stand out by having a background video. Vide is an easy jQuery plugin that works perfectly for doing that, all modern desktop browsers are supported
How to create context menu with jQuery contextMenu plugin
$.contextMenu is a management facility for - you guessed it - context menus. It was designed for an application where there are hundreds of elements that may show a context menu - so intialization speed and memory usage are kept fairly small. It also allows to register context menus without providing actual markup, as $.contextMenu generates DOMElements as needed.
Easy way to create a 360° interactive image rotator.
With Rollerblade, you can easily give your webpage visitors a great 360° viewing experience with your products, images, or anything else you can think of
Cisco VPN Client on Windows 8.1
Cisco VPN Client (x86, x64) is not officially supported by Windows 8 and 8.1. For some people it might work with a small workaround by editing the Registry
Liferay 6.2 with JBoss 7.2 on CentOS 6.5 startup error
Today I got my hand dirty with Liferay 6.2 with JBoss 7.2 on CentOS 6.5, just for fun and study. But it turned out the Java world is not very friendly for someone like me - a PHP developer.
How to backup MySQL using mysqldump on Linux
Backup is a daunting task, especially without a tool. Luckily, MySQL provides us a simple but powerful tool to backup the database, it is mysqldump command. In this, post we will show you how to backup all of your databases just with a singe simple command.